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What the Fertility Podcast Highlights RSC

Posted on May 11, 2023by RSC Staff

Dr. Matrika Johnson has firsthand knowledge of prospective parents’ fertility journeys. For Brennan Moreno, a teacher in Rock Hill, North Carolina, the doctor’s dedication and care helped her to overcome a challenging series of infertility setbacks. On a recent episode of the What the Fertility podcast, Moreno detailed her path toward parenthood, and the role Dr. Johnson played.

Truthfully, Moreno endured many setbacks in her quest to become a mother. After several unsuccessful intrauterine insemination (IUI) attempts, she tried in vitro fertilization (IVF). She carefully followed the course of treatment, including hormone injections, bloodwork, and multiple egg retrieval processes. Yet, she experienced multiple health concerns, like the discovery of uterine polyps, and a miscarriage, accompanied by severe clotting issues. She was then diagnosed with placenta previa, and with it, hemorrhaging in the operating room. Her doctors considered performing an emergency hysterectomy, removing any hope of childbirth.

Despite these obstacles, Moreno remained faithful. And, Dr. Johnson was there to provide valuable support and encouragement. “I loved having her because she knew exactly what I was going through,” said Moreno. “She is the perfect doctor, with an attitude of, ‘I’m going to shoot you straight, and I’m going to tell you what’s up. But I’m also going to be empathetic to you and your needs.’ So she’s wonderful.”

Having had a baby via surrogacy, Dr. Johnson, the founder and medical director of Reproductive Specialists of the Carolinas, knows how important it is to feel comfortable and confident with your fertility specialists. When it comes to those seeking her services, she views them as individuals and couples, in need of support.

One of Dr. Johnson’s first patients, Moreno attributes the doctor’s hard work and motivation to her successfully giving birth to her daughter. “I felt so much relief, being with a doctor that I knew was doing everything she could. Her motivation matched my motivation to have a baby,” stated Moreno. “Finding a good doctor, I got very lucky, because that’s just so important. I am just so grateful. I would not be as strong as I am without her.”

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